2013学生 工业设计专业

Good Time - Owl City、Carly Rae Jepsen


     《Good Time》-—OwlCity&Carly Rae Jepsen

       猫头鹰之城乐队(OwlCity) 联手这位人气小天后Carly Rae Jepsen的单曲《Good Time》,以主唱Adam Young空灵且富有跃动的嗓音,搭配上Carly Rae Jepsen甜美的女声,超爱Adam的声音。整首歌活力十足,旋律灵动、曲风活泼,MV以及歌曲都很清爽积极,让人不禁随同手舞足蹈。是一首非常适合夏日的单曲,野外烧烤露营什么的实在是太赞了,相信能在炎炎夏日带来一缕清凉、一段好时光。

       猫头鹰之城乐队(OwlCity)的音乐风格是当下最为流行、时尚的电子混音音乐,但不同于传统的电子舞曲所营造出的喧闹、躁动不安的动感音乐氛围,猫头鹰之城乐队的电子音乐通过使用简单的电子乐器,摒弃了电子舞曲的乐器混杂使用,通过Adam Young空灵飘逸的嗓音和精致的和声,从而把广大乐迷带入了充满梦幻色彩并且活泼、跃动的音乐奇异王国。猫头鹰之城乐队的音乐风格在很大程度上受到了Disco 和欧洲电子音乐(European Electronic Music)的影响。同时,在乐队的音乐中还能听到合成器流行音乐(SynthPop)和新浪潮音乐(New Wave Music)的众多元素。

专辑:《The Midsummer Station》


Woah-oh-oh-oh ,It's alwaysa good time


Woah-oh-oh-oh ,It's alwaysa good time


Woke up on the right side of the bed


What's up with this Prince song inside myhead?


Hands up if you're down to get down tonight


Cuz it's always a good time.


Slept in all my clothes like I didn't care


Hopped into a cab, take me anywhere


I'm in if you're down to get down tonight


Cuz it's always a good time


Good morning and good night


I wake up at twilight


It's gonna be alright


We don't even have to try


It's always a good time。


Woah-oh-oh-oh ,Woah-oh-oh-oh ,It's always a good time


Woah-oh-oh-oh ,Woah-oh-oh-oh ,We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.


Feet down dropped my phone in the poolagain


Checked out of my room hit the ATM


Let's hang out if you're down to get downtonight


Cuz it's always a good time


Good morning and good night


I wake up at twilight


It's gonna be alright


we don't even have to try


It's always a good time.


Woah-oh-oh-oh ,Woah-oh-oh-oh ,It's always a good time


Woah-oh-oh-oh ,Woah-oh-oh-oh ,We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.


Woah-oh-oh-oh , Woah-oh-oh-oh,It's always a good time


Woah-oh-oh-oh  ,Woah-oh-oh-oh ,We don't even have to try, it's always a good time.


Doesn't matter when


It's always a good time then


Doesn't matter where


It's always a good time there


Doesn't matter when,


It's always a good time then


It's always a good time


Woah-oh-oh-oh ,Woah-oh-oh-oh ,It's always a good time


Woah-oh-oh-oh ,Woah-oh-oh-oh ,We don't even have to try, it's always a good time


Woah-oh-oh-oh ,Woah-oh-oh-oh ,It's always a good time


Woah-oh-oh-oh Woah-oh-oh-oh


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