2013学生 工业设计专业

Coming To Terms (Album Version) - Carolina Liar



但偶尔听听 这首歌的感觉还是不错的

节奏感很强 歌词有点扑朔迷离 我不太懂 与君共勉

Oh no, it's not me
I just forgot to tell you
Didn't mean, it seems obscene
We just lost track along the way

I'm coming to terms
I'm starting to learn
This ain't all it's cracked up to be
 'Cause I'm using you, you're using me
It's never as easy as we believe

 'Cause this hurts, I can't leave
I understand, but can you
I'm just scared, you're lonely
Everyone knows you're better than me

I'm coming to terms
I'm starting to learn
This ain't all it's cracked up to be
 'Cause I'm using you, you're using me
It's never as easy as we believe

Is this what you need?
Am I what you need?

I'm coming to terms
I'm starting to learn
This ain't all it's cracked up to be
 'Cause I'm using you, you're using me
It's never as easy as we believe

Na na na na… 


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